After extensive engagement with the Watford Liberal Democrat Membership and Party Officers, I helped create the party’s Diversity and Inclusion Pledge.
This pledge is shared with new members and all prospective candidates to represent the party. It is aligned with the party constitution and is built from core Liberal Democrat values.
The full pledge is as follows:
Diversity & Inclusion Pledge
Diversity and Inclusivity are at the heart of what we do in the Watford Liberal Democrats.
I believe in the constitution of the Liberal Democrats. Specifically, I believe in building and safeguarding a fair, free and open society, in which we seek to balance the fundamental values of liberty, equality and community, and in which no one shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity.
To the best of my endeavours I commit to championing the freedom, dignity and well-being of individuals, and I acknowledge and respect individuals right to freedom of conscience and their right to develop their talents to the full.
All humans have equal value regardless of race, gender, sexuality, religion, age or any other attribute.
I believe that we should all be free to love and enter into consensual relationships with anyone we choose regardless of gender or sexuality.
I value the uniqueness of individuals: although we are all different, we all have equal value as human beings.
I believe that humans are better when we work together, I will seek to bring together, and represent, all members of the community in which I live.
I will engage with, and actively listen to, all those who will be affected by decisions made through the functioning of the local party, and any of my roles in any levels of government.
I believe that our local party is at its best when we enable all our members, activists, and volunteers to be at their best.
I believe that having all our members included and active maximises the productivity of the party, brings in new and different ideas, and most importantly, enriches our shared human experience.
I pledge to champion diversity and inclusivity through my role in the Watford Liberal Democrats and any elected position.